Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Antique Store Facts and Helpful Tips

I said that I would be writing about different venues on where to find antiques, collectibles, and unique items. I have finally been able to start doing this. Right from the start I will say that not everything I say pertains to every situation and every location. A lot of what I will write about is from my own personal experiences and also relates to the area that I am located in. I am in the Phoenix, AZ area, however, I do deal with other areas in Arizona. I will first write a few things about antique stores.

Antique stores are packed with all types of antiques, collectibles, and valuables; however, you have to be careful when buying items. It can be very easy to get excited about items in antiques stores, but that does not mean you have to buy something. I recommend sticking to items that you know the prices of or have your phone handy for quick reference. Do not buy items that you do not know the value of because this may burn you later. I tend to be more careful while shopping around at antique stores because I mostly buy items to resell them. 

Helpful Tips


The first thing that you have to decide is whether or not you are looking to buy for yourself or are planning on reselling. You have to be a bit more careful if you plan on reselling because you have to factor in money spent and a profit margin. Many antique stores have different booths in them that are rented out by different dealers. This can work toward your advantage because each dealer comes up with their own price and sometimes may put sales up. Looking for these sales is great when you are looking to resell items. Also, you can always ask the employee at the store to contact the dealer and see if they will take offers on items. There is no guarantee that this will happen, but it is worth a try.